June 6, 2007

How NOT to use Powerpoint

Click play to view a brief comic sketch on how NOT to use PowerPoint. This video is great to show your class before assigning class presentations. It may encourage originality and make people think about how the audience will respond to a presentation.

How many "bad" presenations have you seen like this? Please share any other PowerPoint tips. If you show this in class, please share the students' responses. ...Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!


Anonymous said...

This skit is dead on... I laughed so hard. Although, when he talks about bad color schemes he fails to mention using default themes and backgrounds as well that interfere with the information on the slide, which are sometimes completely irrelevant to the information within the slideshow. I have seen that and everything else he mentions too many times. Professors try and teach "how NOT to use powerpoint," but many still end up doing exactly what they tell students not to, and students pay no attention to the lesson and use bad elements as well. It is something that may never get corrected, but we should continue trying to reach even one person at a time.

Anonymous said...

Right on, I am studying Visual Communication Technology and I see this video as a humorous way of explaining the relevant issue many people (including myself) have. What do you think I can do to help improve my presentation skills? Are there any particular websites with information regarding what to do instead of what not to do?

CTL said...
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Linda Higbee Mandlebaum said...

LOL! I haven't made all of those mistakes, but I've made enough of them that I really appreciated it—especially taking an hour on one slide.

CTL said...


When designing a presentation, three important elements to keep in mind are: context, audience, and simplicity. Voice projection is another aspect of a good presentation. There is a helpful site called http://www.cs.wisc.edu/
~markhill/conference-talk.html that can help with oral presentations. Another site that can help you create a successful Powerpoint presentation is http://www.presentationzen.com/
whats_good_powe.html. This site also contains related books, blogs, and links to additional sites of interest.