June 4, 2007

The New Blooms Taxonomy

For over half a century the work of Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues has played a major role in understanding substantive thinking about planning and evaluation in an educational atmosphere. Bloom's Taxonomy was originally designed for educators to think about objectives, communicate with one another, and formulate a curriculum. With advances in technology following the release of Bloom's Taxonomy, there now exists a New Bloom's Taxonomy.

This new approach to the classic taxonomy incorporates emphasis on contemporary research in learning and metacognition to evaluate learners' experience and how it has been enhanced through the use of technology. The table below shows the changes made to the classic taxonomy for technology-using educators. In all, using the elements of The New Bloom's Taxonomy could be beneficial when used in higher education because it serves a way for students to think deeply.

Cochran, D., Conklin, J., & Modin, S. (2007). A New Bloom: Transforming Learning. Learning & Leading with Technology, (5), 22-25.

For more information about the original and New Blooms Taxonomy go to:

How can the the original and New Bloom's Taxonomy help you assess students knowledge in the classroom? How is either taxonomy useful when developing a new course? Click on the COMMENTS link below to get started!

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